2 de diciembre de 2010

0 Micah P. Hinson - My God, My God

Hará aproximadamente un año que escuché por primera vez a este joven cantautor de Memphis, y tras escuchar varias canciones dije (y aún lo mantengo) que Micah P. Hinson sería uno de los grandes artistas de la historia de la música. El tema que os presento pertenece a su nuevo disco "and the Pioneer Saboteurs".

And oh
The preacher said so long
Rather cock the trigger live another day
And oh
It must have been so long
Since he had felt his God graves figured
He could have his say so then he had his say
My God why did you leave me down here
Broken saved and all alone
While you sit up on your golden throne in the sky
I've came here to take me home
God damn it you'll take me home
My God

And oh
The husband said so long
Rather pull the chord
Then save her another day
And oh
It must have been so long
Since he had felt his wife's grave figured
And he could have his say and oh
Darling why did you leave me down here
Broken empty and all alone
While you sit up on your golden throne in the sky
And I've came here to take you home
God damn it you'll take her home
My God

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